Mathakondapalli Model School (CBSE) is a Unique and Best CBSE School in Tamil Nadu, India
MMS is child centered and one of the best CBSE school in Hosur, dedicated to ensuring that our children are happy, secure and achieve their potential and beyond. This has never been more important than today.
MMS is determined to nurture and encourage the interests, abilities, and unique talents of every single child. Our curriculum approach is broad, bespoke and with personalized pathways, ensuring that the children get experiential learning that is challenging, stimulating and well suited to individual needs.
MMS integrates the arts, drama, dance, music and crafts to enhance the teaching and learning across the curriculum and provides exciting, innovative and engaging learning opportunities which make the learning fun and memorable. We know that our commitment to the traditional arts helps foster creative, curious and confident learners who have an active voice in their own learning and the life of the school, and when they leave the school, every child is well rounded and well prepared for adult life.
MMS supports more than teaching children alone. We provide nutrition, health and hygiene services; mental health and psychosocial support; and dramatically reduce the risk of violence, and much more.
MMS is a compassionate, friendly, and successful school. The learners achieve exceptionally well and enjoy the school life. Visitors are always impressed by our warm, vibrant, inspiring and welcoming atmosphere.
On appointment, you can visit the school to experience first-hand why MMS is such an exceptional place to work and learn.